Home Safety Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why should I do a home safety assessment?

A home safety assessment is important to proactively address any potential hazards or threats. Your home safety evaluation should include a thorough expert-led review to assess your home security & video surveillance system, physical safety, house fire and wildfire preparedness, first aid readiness, and home defense capabilities.

What is the difference between a burglary and a robbery?

A burglary is a property crime when your home or business is unoccupied versus a robbery occurs when your home or business is occupied. A robbery is considered a home invasion or takeover robbery when force, fear or weapons are used in the commission of the crime and poses a significant risk of injury or death. Bolstering your home’s security system and training for how you can defend your home are essential for staying prepared in the event that you are ever a victim of a robbery or home invasion.

What is a follow-home robbery?

A follow-home robbery occurs when thieves target their victims in any public space, such as a bank, busy shopping area, or restaurant and follow them back home and rob them. Typically these robbers are looking to steal cash, jewelry, cars, or other expensive items. Los Angeles follow-home robberies have been on the rise in recent years and it is important to both stay alert to your physical surroundings and consider physical security if you live in an area where these crimes tend to occur.

How can you prevent a home invasion?

A home invasion can not only be incredibly costly, but also life threatening. There are many ways to prevent and deter a home invasion including bolstering your existing home security system and video surveillance capabilities and evaluating your property to assess any vulnerabilities. Custom Home Safety + Defense can provide an thorough and objective assessment in partnership with local law enforcement experts and provide tailored recommendations to ensure your home is as safe as it can be.

When do most home burglaries occur?

Contrary to what you might think, the most common time for break-ins is between 10 am and 3 pm. This is often because burglars target homes during the day to break-in when they believe no one is home. Break-ins and burglaries can often be prevented with a robust home security and safety plan. In the cases where they cannot be prevented, it is important to ensure you know what to do if and when it ever happens.

How can I prepare for a wildfire?

An inspection of your property ahead of the Santa Ana winds season can help you to identify structural vulnerabilities and prepare and plan for what to do in the event of a wildfire evacuation. There are many steps you can take to prepare including pre-planning escape routes and meeting locations, pre-packing supplies and readying your vehicle/home for a quick exit.

Ready to take control of your home safety?

Request a quote or call us today at 866-287-8667 to learn more.